The Biological Knee Society was set up by like-minded knee surgeons to promote awareness about the a-la-carte biological options available to preserve function in knees. The meeting served as a great conduit for biological knee surgeons to discuss current literature, techniques, research, innovation and the future of biological knee interventions.
The meeting comprised lectures and live surgical demonstrations from the Arthrex mobile lab on site – with a great demonstration into a growing trend in ACL reconstruction – the use of quadriceps as a graft. Mr Guy already uses Quadriceps in some primary and revision ACL reconstructions. The main themes to the day were the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the use of biologics in the knee, articular cartilage repair, meniscal repairs and transplantation and the use of software to collect patient and surgical data / outcomes.
Even though the meeting is for knee ‘surgeons’ it must be said that many of the options discussed at the meeting were injectable techniques to improve local biology and the use of the already established PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), nSTRIDE (Autologous Protein Solution) and Lipogems.
Link to the B.K.S. http://biologicalkneesociety.uk