An effervescent international faculty were involved in the delivery of the first osteotomy masterclass in London. Mr Guy has previously visited the original site of the Osteotomy Courses in Basingstoke and more recently in Newcastle. The course was well choreographed by Prof Adrian Wilson, Ronald Van Heerwarden and Rags Khakha.
The masterclass provided a valuable update into the ever expanding role of osteotomy in the knee. As a sports knee surgeon Mr Guy has used osteotomies around the knee to correct chronic ligament injuries and also to treat early arthritis in the young or high-demand patients as an alternative biological procedure to avoid joint replacements.
Highlights to the meeting were the live surgical demonstrations of simple to complex osteotomies, biological slope changing osteotomies, intra-articular osteotomy, the use of ‘golden’ wires to prevent far cortex fractures, the role of ACL failure and tibial slope and the pragmatic session on managing complications!